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Past Pupil Premium

September 2015 - September 2016


Pupil Premium Facts

Number of pupils and pupil premium grant (PPG) received


Total number of pupils in school (excluding the nursery)



Total number of pupils eligible for PPG, including one looked after child



Amount of PPG received per pupil



Total amount of PPG received



Plus 4 x £300 service children



Plus £6300 02.07.15



Plus £375





£108 195


Focus of Pupil Premium Spending

Actions focussed on Curriculum

  1. Additional support for Years 5 and 6 to deliver booster sessions and reduce group sizes with the deployment of extra adults.
  2. Reading intervention to be introduced for children falling behind age related expectations in reading.
  3. The Five Minute Box Phonics intervention to be introduced in Key Stage 1
  4. Develop systems to improve the CPD of teaching assistants by introducing a programme of in-house training.

Actions focussed on motivation and personal development

  1. Appoint a learning mentor who can support vulnerable families in school with attendance, learning, attitudes and punctuality.
  2. Continue to fund two Teaching Assistants to deliver ELSA sessions.
  3. Whole School training in Philosophy for Children.
  4. Whole school training in Metacognition.
  5. Support parents eligible to receive the pupil premium grant to buy school uniform.


 Enrichment beyond the curriculum

  1. Support parents with costs towards the Year 6 residential trip.
  2. Support parents by paying costs of school trips and other extra-curricular activities that may require payment.
  3. Provide opportunities for children eligible to receive the pupil premium grant to learn to play a musical instrument via the schools music service.