Values and Ethos
School Mission Statement
At Parkside Primary School we aim to create a safe, happy and productive atmosphere built on mutual respect. We will have high expectations of our children and will value and celebrate their efforts and achievements. We will provide a quality of learning that will enable children to extend their skills and expertise, to become self-motivated and independent learners, and to develop the “whole child”.
School Aims
- To develop a reasoned set of attitudes, values and beliefs appropriate to a democratic society.
- To provide a supporting and stimulating environment where children are encouraged to achieve their full potential.
- To identify the need for and provide a level of additional curricular and learning support that meets the needs of our pupils.
- To respect and value the contribution of all members of the school community, ensuring that all will be listened to as well as being heard.
- To prepare and offer a welcoming, caring and safe environment for all.
- To develop active participation between the local community and ourselves.
- To ensure a common sense of value and appreciation towards all members of staff and voluntary helpers by those within our school community.
- To ensure a quality of learning that promotes the full development of self-motivated and independent learners.
- To provide an environment where all feel valued and secure.
- To make full and appropriate use of our accommodation to ensure greatest efficiency of use.
British Values
The rule of law
Individual liberty
Mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs
Growth Mindset
Here at Parkside we encourage a growth mindset across the school.