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Physical Education

Statement of Intent

At Parkside School we believe in educating pupils to become physically active and confident. We believe that all pupils can achieve. We aim to provide a wide range of opportunities including individual and competitive sports to promote team building, sportsmanship, fairness and further pupils’ personal goals, whilst promoting the importance of fitness for personal health. 


The national curriculum for physical education aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
  • are physically active for sustained periods of time
  • engage in competitive sports and activities
  • lead healthy, active lives.

PE Progression

PE at Parkside

PE is a crucial part of the curriculum. To help improve PE provision within our school we have spent our Sports Premium money carefully. To find out more, please see the section below.

Every child is expected to take part in PE lessons. Children should come to school dressed in their PE kit on the allocated PE days for their class.

We have made it a priority to ensure that our PE kit is accessible for all families, therefore there are options available. For PE days children should come to school wearing the following:

  • Navy plain sweatshirt (round neck)
  • Navy or black joggers
  • Navy or black shorts
  • Plain white or navy t-shirt (without collar)

Or alternatively there is now also the option of Parkside branded items, as chosen by the School Council.

  • Parkside tracksuit top
  • Parkside tracksuit bottoms
  • Parkside sports shirt in navy or white

These items are all available from the Uniform Shop on Pasture Road. Please click here for the price list. 

Whether you opt for the Parkside items or just plain ones, please note that any other logos or hoodies are strictly not permitted.

Long hair should be tied back,


At Parkside, we adopt the guidance provided by the afPE (Association for Physical Education) which states:

The Association for Physical Education (afPE) strongly recommends the practice
of removing all personal effects at the commencement of every lesson to establish a
safe working environment. This applies to all ear and body piercings, including retainer
and expander earrings.”

If your child is unable to remove earrings or piercings themselves, they should not come into school wearing them on PE days. Physical Education is a statutory curriculum requirement, therefore in order to avoid your child missing PE. we advise any piercings to be done during the summer holidays. No other body piercings i.e. nose piercings are allowed. This is as per our Uniform Policy.

What have we been doing in PE?

Cross Country

Very proud of the children who performed so brilliantly at a recent cross country competition.