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Welcome to Reception!

This year our Reception classes will be taught by Mrs Benson, Mrs Wilson & Mrs Robinson.      

What do we investigate in Reception?


Spring Term 1 2025

Reception Baseline Assessment

Please click here for a guide for parents.

What to expect in the Early Years Foundation Stage

A guide for parents.

High Frequency Words

These are the high frequency words which children are taught to read and spell through Reception. These are the most common words which children encounter in their early reading. Becoming confident in recognising and reading these without having to sound out every time helps children to develop their fluency in reading. When writing, when children are more confident in spelling these words and have learnt to do so fluently, it develops their confidence and helps their 'flow' of writing. 

To help your child at home you could do quick fire recognition of these words by flicking through the slides below and asking them to read them. You might also like to do games such as hiding post it notes around the house with these words on for your child to read or writing them on an etch-a-sketch and your child wipes it after they have read it. They could also practise writing these and checking if they spelt them correctly, recognising that some they can apply phonics to sound out where needed e.g. 'dog' and others are 'tricky words' which they must just remember- such as go.

Useful Documents, Websites & Online Games

Click on the blue links to view. (Please note some games may not work on an iPad.)



The Numberblocks is a programme on Cbeebies that is excellent for promoting number development. There are games on the website and episodes are regularly shown on the channel or can be found on iPlayer.

The Oxford Owl website has useful guidance for parents to help them to support their child with maths skills at home. Click on the link below to find out more.

Age 4-5. Developing early maths skills . These ideas will help your child to develop their confidence in counting and in recognising and using numbers. They will also help your child to explore shape, patterns and measurements in real-life contexts. 

Age 5-6. A lot of the maths your child will be doing is still practical and linked to their everyday life. These ideas will help you to further develop your child’s skills.


Useful for numeral recognition, counting and matching to numerals, counting out and ordering numbers (All from the Topmarks website):


Useful for numeral recognition and ordering 1-20:


The Alphablocks is a programme on Cbeebies that is excellent for promoting phonics development. There are games on the website and episodes are regularly shown on the channel or can be found on iPlayer.

Useful for reading irregular (tricky) words:

Children hear a word and have to select the correct word- a mixture of irregular and decodable words (tricky words that they can't sound out and decodable words that they can)

Select: High Frequency Words > Phase 2 or 3 > Then click onto the doors with the red 'tricky' words. Children see a tricky word, press the seat to hide it and then have to select the letters to spell it out and flush the toilet to check if they got it right

Select Phase 2 or 3 > Revise all phase 2/3 > Children then read the word and sort it according to whether it is a real word (into the chest) or a nonsense word (into the bin). Or press Phase 2 or 3 > Select a particular GPC (Individual letter sound or digraph, 2 letters making one sound, or trigraph, 3 letters making one sound) which your child is struggling with to practise reading a variety of words containing that sound e.g. /ch/ chip, chat, chick, check

Variation of above but feed to the red dragon if nonsense or green dragon if real.

Another variation but feed to Obb if nonsense and Bob if real.

Read a word and select the matching picture

If you want to use the bingo cards press to download and either print or write the words on paper for your child to tick off. (Or can just play reading the words without a bingo card- children could write the words as they play instead). Then click 'let's go' and select any of the options from phase 2 or 3 - a free game which requires you to create a username and password.

Click here for great tips from the Book Trust about how to read with your child, including online story books that you can read on a tablet.