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Welcome to Year 6!

The teachers in Year 6 are Miss Catchpole, Mrs Broderick, Mr Hastey & Mrs Harrison.

What do we investigate in Year 6?

Welcome Meeting

What are we learning? 

Our Topic Knowledge Organisers

Save the Rainforest


History of Baghdad

SATs Revision

In order to support your child at home in their SATs revision, they will have access to the online resource: SATs boot camp. Children's log in details can be found in their homework book. 

Children will be set revision tasks to complete each week where they will watch a video and then have the opportunity to complete practice SATs style questions. They may also be asked to complete short practice mini-quizzes in the style of SATs questions. Exposing children to this style of questioning means that it is nothing new and children are familiar with them.  If there are any areas your child is struggling with, encourage them to use the online platform to watch the video and revise. 

SATs Information for parents

Click here for the most recent information about SATs. New guidance will be uploaded when it is released.

End of year expectations

These statements provide an outline of what is expected of your child at the end of the academic year. Please note that they reflect the higher expectations outlined by the new National Curriculum.


  • Refer to text to support opinions and predictions.

  • Give a view about choice of vocabulary, structure, etc.

  • Distinguish between fact and opinion.

  • Appreciate how a set of sentences has been arranged to create maximum effect.

  • Recognise:

    complex sentences with more than one subordinate clause
    phrases which add detail to sentences

  • Explain how a writer has used sentences to create particular effects.

  • Skim and scan to aide note-taking.


  • Use subordinate clauses to write complex sentences.

  • Use passive voice where appropriate.

  • Use expanded noun phrases to convey complicated information concisely (e.g. The fact that it was raining meant the end of sports day).

  • Use a sentence structure and layout matched to requirements of text type.

  • Use semi-colon, colon or dash to mark the boundary between independent clauses.

  • Use colon to introduce a list and semi colon within a list.

  • Use correct punctuation of bullet points.

  • Use hyphens to avoid ambiguity.

  • Use full range of punctuation matched to requirements of text type.

  • Use wide range of devices to build cohesion within and across paragraphs.

  • Use paragraphs to signal change in time, scene, action, mood or person.

  • Write legibly, fluently and with increasing speed.


  • Use negative numbers in context and calculate intervals across zero.

  • Compare and order numbers up to 10,000,000.

  • Identify common factors, common multiples and prime numbers.

  • Round any whole number to a required degree of accuracy.

  • Identify the value of each digit to 3 decimal places.

  • Use knowledge of order of operations to carry out calculations involving four operations.

  • Multiply 4-digit by 2-digit

  • Divide 4-digit by 2-digit

  • Add and subtract fractions with different denominators and mixed numbers.

  • Multiply simple pairs of proper fractions, writing the answer in the simplest form.

  • Divide proper fractions by whole numbers.

  • Calculate percentage of whole number.

What have we been doing?

Animation Workshop

Year 6 had the exciting opportunity to take part in a 'Discovering Animation' masterclass led by professional animator David Bunting. The children created their own hero character for an animated TV series, learning skills from an industry expert.

Rainforest Homework

We have been blown away by the effort some of the Year 6 children have gone to at home to complete their rainforest projects!

Year 6 Residential