Parkside Primary School students wear their uniform with pride. Our uniform shows that we are part of the Parkside Primary School community. We have the highest expectations from our students with regards to school uniform and strongly believe that our high standards promote positive
behaviour, support effective teaching and learning and contribute to the ethos of the school.
We encourage all our children to wear their uniform smartly. All items of uniform must be labelled. It consists of the following:
- Royal blue top
- Blue or white shirt or polo shirt.
- Grey or dark trousers or skirt.
- Tights or socks
- Sensible shoes (no heels)
Please click here to see our Uniform Policy.
Our school sweatshirts, cardigans, reading wallets and P.E. bags are available from the school office all day or you can order them via ParentPay.
We hold termly 'Preloved' events in school where secondhand uniform can be picked up free of charge.
Children should come to school dressed in their PE kit on their designated PE days. They need appropriately labelled P.E. kit consisting of the following:
• Navy plain sweatshirt (round neck)
• Navy or black joggers
• Navy or black shorts
• Plain white or navy t-shirt (without collar)
Or alternatively there is now also the option of Parkside branded items, as chosen by the School Council. These can be bought from the Uniform Shop on Pasture Road.
• Parkside tracksuit top
• Parkside tracksuit bottom
• Parkside sports shirt in navy or white
Whether you opt for the Parkside items or just plain ones, please note that any other logos or hoodies are strictly not permitted. If a child does not have their P.E. kit they will miss P.E. lessons and a letter will be sent home.
Hair must be tied back during PE.