Art & Design
Statement of Intent
At Parkside Primary School the teaching of art and design aims to equip children with opportunities to investigate, experiment, express and communicate their ideas to develop the necessary skills and knowledge. Children explore through mediums of their choice in a safe environment where they can take risks and be original.
Art and design education provides pupils with skills, helps them to explore concepts and gain knowledge necessary for them to express their responses to ideas in a visual or tactile form. It should fire their imagination and fuel personal appreciation.
Parkside pupils are given opportunities for reflection and evaluation, with increasing sensitivity, they should acquire the ability to make informed and personal responses of their own work and that of others.
There is great pleasure to be derived from art and design learning and, through deeper understanding, pupils can gain access to cultural richness and diversity. At Parkside Primary we believe that the learning of art and design provides valuable educational, as well as social and cultural, experiences for children of all ages.
It should inspire children to ‘Dream, Believe, Achieve’.
The national curriculum for art and design aims to ensure that all pupils:
- produce creative work, exploring their ideas and recording their experiences
- become proficient in drawing, painting, sculpture and other art, craft and design
techniques - evaluate and analyse creative works using the language of art, craft and design
- know about great artists, craft makers and designers, and understand the historical and
cultural development of their art forms
Links to Parkside Adventures Passport and things to do at home
- Listen to music
- Visit to the theatre
- Visit a media museum
- Visit a sculpture park
- Experience Shakespeare
- Create something amazing from LEGO
Useful Websites for ideas in Yorkshire
What have we been doing in Art & Design?
Creative Journals
6HS exploring the work/style of the post-impressionism artist Henri Rousseau.